KBenefits Insurance Services
GetCoveredNJ - GCNJ

GetCoveredNJ is New Jersey's Obamacare for health insurance where individuals and families can easily shop for and enroll in health coverage. KBenefits is a free service that will help you determine if you're eligible for GetCoveredNJ health coverage and help you enroll in coverage while answering all of your questions.

KBenefits Insurance Services is a free enrollment service that helps you compare multiple health plans from multiple insurance carriers.  Our goal is to find you the right plan at the lowest premium. As your broker, we can review your plan options, answer benefit, billing and claim questions, help find an in-network provider, assist w/ ID cards, review carrier letters, and prepare you for your annual Open Enrollment. Assign Chris Kudryk as your free GCNJ broker today.

Open Enrollment starts this Nov 1st and ends Jan 31st.

* Find Local GCNJ Assistance - Assign a broker - no charge
* Visit KBenefits Open Enrollment Walkthru

* Visit KBenefits YouTube Channel (1-minute InfoBlast Series)

* Visit GetCoveredNJ


Contact us for questions, plan options and free enrollment assistance.

Christopher S. Kudryk

Health, Dental & Vision Insurance Carrier Links

Aetna - Whole Health Network

Not available in Monmouth & Ocean County

GetCovered NewJersey - Get Help - Get Free Local Assistance  (Type:  chris kudryk)

GetCovered NewJersey - Member & Customer Services

GetCovered NewJersey - Frequently Asked Questions

GetCovered NewJersey - Get Financial Help - Govt

GetCovered NewJersey - NJ Health Plan Savings - State

GetCovered NewJersey - NJFamilycare

GetCovered NewJersey - Glossary of Terminology

What's Considered Income:
  • any taxable income recvd
  • income from a job/self-employment/tips
  • unemployment
  • retirement investment income / capital gains
  • rental or royalty income
  • pension
  • severance income from an employer
  • social security benefits
  • social security disability income
  • alimony recvd - Divorces finalized before January 1, 2019 - Include as income.
    Divorces finalized on or after January 1, 2019 - Don’t include as income.


What's not considered income

  • child support
  • social security Income
  • veteran disability and workers comp
  • proceeds from student, home equity & bank loans
  • gifts

GCNJ:  Income Verification - documents

  • Pay Stub
  • Tax return - Tax Form 1040
  • W2 Wages & Tax
  • 1099 income
  • Unemployment Letter
  • Tax form: 1065 K1 with Sch E
  • Tax Form: Profit & loss statement


Self-Employed Deductions
You should only count your deductions from your federal income tax filing (Form 1040 Schedule 1) such as:

  • deductible part of self-employment tax,
  • IRA deduction for contributions if you don’t have a retirement account through your job,
  • Educator expenses if you are a teacher and personally pay for teaching supplies,
  • Alimony paid if your divorce was finalized before 1/1/19,
  • Student loan interest deduction
  • The standard deduction, itemized deductions and qualified business income deduction are also not included on your application as they are not part of your adjusted gross income.
  • Personal expenses do NOT count as deductions.





GCNJ:  Citizenship Verification - documents

  • US Passport
  • Certificate of Naturalization
  • Documents showing US birth
  • Certicate of US Citizenship (N-560 or N-561)
  • Federal or State Census Record showing US birth

Lawful Presence Documentation
•    Proof or resolution in immigration court
•    i-551 Permanent Resident Card (Green Card)
•    Temporary i-551 Resident Alien Card / i-551 Stamp on passport
•    Proof that you lived continuously in the US since 1972
•    i-766 Employment Authorization Card (EAD card)
•    i-797 Notice of Action
•    i-94
•    Machine Readable Immigration Visa
•    DS2019 for J-1 status
•    i-20 (student)
•    Proof of current Visa status with valid i-94
•    i-221s (order to show cause)
•    i-327 (permit to re-enter US)
•    i-130 Approved Petition
•    Office of Refugee Resettlement
•    i-571 (Refugee Travel Doc)    /   i-589 (asylum app)

•    Document from USCIS or ICE showing current status
•    Proof of Battered Immigrant Non-Citizen
•    Trafficking Cert Letter or Eligibility Letter from Victim of Trafficking

GCNJ: Accepted Documents
Accepted Docs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [164.1 KB]

Contact us for advice, navigation, plan options & free enrollment assistance.

Christopher S. Kudryk

KBenefits Insurance Services
Employee Benefits

Individual Health Insurance
Medicare Plan Options


Christopher S. Kudryk
Insurance Specialist

KBenefits specializes in health, dental, vision, life and medicare insurance for employers and individuals in NJ & NY.

Thank you for your referrals!
Referrals are the cornerstone of our business.  Let us know if we can be of further assistance to you or someone you know.  Glad to be of service

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2011 KBenefits LLC

